Hospital da Luz performs genetic testing in sports performance
Hospital da Luz Lisboa has now available genetic tests to support guidance for a more adequate physical activity and diet.
Hospital da Luz Lisboa already performs genetic tests with the purpose of obtaining data on the most adequate type of physical exercise, improving sports performance, and the most adequate diet to the individual needs of each practitioner, be it in professional or leisure exercise. The Genetic Test for Nutrition and Sports Performance is performed through the Physiatry Consultation – Sportsperson, ensured by physician João Pinto Coelho, specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
The physical performance can be influenced by the genetic profile, knowing that this latter predisposes to specific nutritional needs.
The genetic tests for nutrition and sports performance:
- Analyse genes related with the response to the sports training, the predisposition to lesion, the recovery and nutritional needs related with sports practice;
- MyFitnessGenes®, from HeartGenetics, is the genetic test performed in this hospital through the Physiatry Consultation – Sportsperson;
- They allow obtaining (genetic) data that, when analyzed together with the rest of each person’s information, for example on physical activity and lifestyle habits, contribute to intervening at different levels, including outlining a training strategy or a modality in order to maximize sports performance;
- They also allow to advice on the most adequate sports modality and to customize a diet, taking into consideration the nutritional needs of the individual and the training to be done;
- They can also be advised for guidance to minimize potential injuries and improve recovery;
- At Hospital da Luz Lisboa, these tests are only performed in the Physiatry Consultation – Sportsperson. This is the only way to ensure that a given situation really requires genetic testing and that the test prescribed is the most adequate to the situation. Furthermore, results must be interpreted in the context of the health history and habits of life of the person in question, which only a specialized doctor can do;
- Use a saliva / oral epithelium sample, obtained by oral swabbing;
- For the genes tested, the results are the same for life, so there is no need to repeat a test for the same genes.